Saying good-bye to lazy summer days an hello to structured school days can be hard to do. Here are a few ways of making going back to school easier for you and your children:
~*~ Set Realistic Goals With Your Children: This is a perfect time to involve your children in thinking about goals and objectives for the upcoming year. What worked well for them last year and which routines were helpful? What do they want to accomplish this year? How about being more efficient with homework by taking an half an hour television or Internet surfing break after finishing two hours of their assignments?
~*~ Organize School And Activity Schedules: Back to school planning allows you to get back into a routine. Buy a calender or make one with your kids. Write in all the activities that your children are involved in. This will help you to figure out how to organize each school day and weekend activities.
~*~ Transition Back To Healthier Eating and Sleeping Habits: With summer barbeques and late night trips to the ice cream shops, summer eating schedules usually vary from the school year. Now is a good time to get back on track with healthy choices for school lunches and snacks. Don't forget to explore tha many optiions for breakfast. Take at least a week to slowly shift your children's sleep schedule back to meet their needs.