The hazy, cloudless skies of Indian Summer. Leaves scurrying down the street before the wind. The cold shiver from an arctic blast. Indian Summer. The last warmth of the sun. Chilly mornings and glorious warm afternoons. The Harvest Moon. The Hunter's Moon. The Rainy Season. Dry corn stalks clattering in the wind. The touch of frost on grass and window pane. The smell of burning leaves. It is that time of year again when pumpkins glow in golden fields. The Maids recommends using the Autumn's brisk and breezy days to conquer deep-cleaning chores for a clean and comfortable winter home, and wrap up summer's outdoor areas. And, we would be happy to help and here is how:
1.) Clean out entryway closets and place items back neatly and organized.
2.) Clean out the inside of your refrigerator
3.) Sweep out your garage and get rid of all the cobwebs that have been accumulating
4.) Vacuuming and flipping mattresses
5.) Washing out the inside of kitchen and bathroom drawers and cabinets
Let The Maids help you prepare the home and hearth for the coming of winter.
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