Did You Know...
1.) If you take your bananas apart when you get home, they will not ripen as fast as if you left them attached to the stem?
2.) If you add a teaspoon of water when frying ground beef, it will pull the grease away from the meat?
3.) If you add garlic immediately to a recipe you will get a light taste of garlic, and if you add it at the end the taste will be stronger?
4.) Peppers with 3 bumps on the bottom are sweeter and better for eating, and peppers with 4 bumps on the bottom are firmer and better for cooking?
5.) If you use a wet cotton ball or Q-tip you can easily pick up small shards of glass?
6.) If you put a dryer sheet in your pocket you will ward off mosquitoes?
7.) If you sprinkle cayenne pepper on your plants you will keep squirrels away?
8.) If you pin a small safety pin on your slip or pants you will reduce static cling?
9.) If you fill your measuring cup with hot water, dump the water, that any sticky ingredient- such as peanut butter- will easily come right out?
10.) If you have a foggy windshield, using an eraser will work better to clean than a cloth?
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