a.) Eggs- The most common item in the prankster's arsenal, the one that can leave your car and house a scrambled mess. Eggs can cause a great deal of damage if left to bake in the sun because they can corrode paint surfaces within hours. A powerwashing is one of the best ways to remove the egg. If it is already a stuck-on mess, or on a painted surface, use one part warm water, one part vinegar, and a little Dawn dish detergent as your cleaning solution. Pick out the shells first so they do not leave scratches, and hold a wet sponge or rag against the egg for a few minutes to loosen the egg before you gently scrub it away.
b.) Silly String- It's not that funny when this stuff is sprayed all over your property. This stuff can damage paint on cars , and it will adhere to painted surfaces. Hose off as much as possible before it dries. Be very careful if you try to scrape it off of painted materials, including your car, because it can pull the paint off with it. Try dish detergent and water as a cleaning solution first.
c.) Toilet Paper- This one may seem like a no-brainer to clean up... that is, when you can reach it. Also, if you do not get it out of the trees before it rains you could end up with clumps stuck in the branches. If you do beat Mother Nature to the punch, you can use a rake or expandable painter's pole to reach the toilet paper and pull it down. Or you can try wrapping duct tape around the pole ( glue side out ) to stick and retrieve the paper.
d.) Shaving Cream- It may be harmless to your skin, but this stuff can leave permanant marks on cars, asphalt, and painted surfaces if it is not cleaned off before it dries. The easiest way to remove it is with the power washer, or to simply wash it away with a non-abrasive sponge and Simple Green.
Don't forget a good defense sometimes is the best offense. Move all your pumpkins inside for the night, or put them out back, and store any lawn ornaments, planters, and furniture in the yard, shed or garage. The more you leave out in plain sight, the more tempting of a target your house becomes.
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