Parenting is tough. Not only are you charged with raising a child to be physically and emotionally healthy but also socially responsible. In this age of melting ice-caps, overflowing landfills and dwindling natural resources , it's more important than ever to raise an eco-friendly child. Here are some ways you can instill environmentally conscious values:
~*~ Start Them Young:
Make them green babies. Consider using cloth diapers and invest in organic baby blankets and clothing to keep your baby chemical free.
~*~ Make Your House an Eco-friendly House:
Choose non-toxic cleaners or take advantage of the cleaning power of baking soda and white vinegar.
~*~ Green Their Play Time:
For babies and toddlers choose wooden toys over plastic. For older kids, take a break from electronics and lead a nature wlak.
~*~ Make Recycling Fun:
Let the kids decorate the recycling bin to make it their own. Reward them when they put in their cans and bottles. Make sure they know the difference they are making with one sipmle step.
~*~ Teach Them The Importance of Conservation:
Encourage your children to turn off and unplug lights and electronics when not in use. On a nice day, let them help you hang clothes on a clothesline.
~*~ Volunteer:
Teach your kids about the importance of giving back! A parent is the strongest role model so make sure you lead by example. Conserve water and energy when you can, choose alternative fabrics and know that even the smallest gestures will teach your kids that being environmentally responsible is a responsibility that we all share.
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